We Provide Comprehensive Homeowner & Condominium Property Management Services

Marquis is a real-estate property management company serving homeowners and condominium associations, as well as individual residences. We provide attentive administrative services, accurate financial and accounting services, aggressive debt management services, and active, hand-on site management for Homeowner and Condominium associations, located in the greater Atlanta Area.

What does that mean?

We are the arms, legs, ears, and often, an extra brain, for the association to use to keep your community thriving. Associations are usually run by a board of directors, who all have lives, jobs, and life commitments. Marquis Management takes the bulk of the workload off of the shoulders of these board members, letting them enjoy their community, and not regret signing up for a board position.

We work with the individual board members of several associations, and define what tasks they would like to maintain, and define what we will do for them. For a more thorough definition of the services we offer, please see our Services page.

Neighbors Who Care About Your Community

An HOA, or Home Owners Association, is a non-profit group organized to maintain common areas within a community, while also governing the community to ensure that members function in accordance with the Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation or CC&R's. These groups are non-profit corporations registered with the state and governed through the oversight of an elected Board of Directors. In order to live in a community that has an HOA, community members must support the association financially and agree to live by the legal documents that govern the group. Membership in the HOA is automatic when an individual purchases a home in the community.

These organizations are created to keep a property aesthetically pleasing, by managing rules and regulations stating what a property owner can do, and not do, on their property, all with the goal to keep property values high, and keep the community well maintained.

Every Homeowner & Condominium Association

Yes...every association needs management, whether from the internal board of directors, or from an outside management company. HOA management companies, like Marquis Management, help HOA board members do their jobs well. Board members can give some of the tasks of managing the common areas and community to the HOA management firm, thus freeing them to focus on maintaining good communication with the members of the community.

Or they can simply have us do it all. Developers, board members and homeowners, who are part of the decision-making process for a community, can greatly benefit from working with an HOA management firm. Boards can use the depth of our over 30 years of experience to handle almost any issue that comes up. While we have not seen everything, we've seen a lot, and have experience with almost every kind of issue that affects and HOA. Don't go it alone...partner with a professional service if your association is not keeping up with resident demands, resident payment defaults, or is a property that needs repairs. This type of supporting service can change a community from one that is constantly in turmoil to one that is positive and thriving.

Talk To Us... We'll Help You Decide.

If it’s true that time is money, a property manager can be invaluable. Many associations rely on homeowners to man the ship. Over time, occasionally it is hard to find volunteers willing to take on the job of running an association, paying the bills, sending out notices and communication with the neighborhood. While we do not replace a Board of Directors, we are the legs and arms of the association, taking on the grunt work.

Also, we help homeowners who may need help with their leased property. Cleaning and maintenance are often issues, and we can assist in keeping your property in tip-top shape.

Lastly, the majority of real estate investors have more than one investment opportunity going at the same time, or are employed at a 9-5 job during the day. How in the world will are they able to be in two places at once? If this is your case, having a dedicated property manager that will free up your time to pursue your job, time with your family, or additional money making opportunities is not only a benefit, but also a necessity! Contact us to talk. We are a no pressure property management company.

Looking Good & Running Smooth

A great, full service, HOA Management Company, can take much of the responsibility of managing the HOA off of the board members’ shoulders, allowing them to enjoy their community. HOA management companies do not make decisions on behalf of the board, but outside of that, just about any tasks, including project planning, bidding and project management, collection of assessments, accounting, and communication tasks the board does, can be given to the HOA management company. With the help of a quality homeowner’s association management firm, board members can save substantial amounts of both time and money, leaning on our experience and expertise. HOA community management companies know HOA laws for their state and will be able to apply that knowledge to the community. Together, we will work with the board to make the organization and community successful and thriving.

Who Are These People?

The Board of Directors is the elected governing body of the Corporation or a non-profit association. These people have been nominated by you, the community members, and then voted into office usually at an annual meeting. The Association is most often (not always) a corporation by law, and therefore a governing body is needed to oversee the business of the Corporation. These Directors oversee and create the rules and regulations for enforcement within the community, oversee that funds are being properly budgeted and have the duty to enhance, maintain, and protect the property values and interests of the Association. The Board of Directors usually organizes several committees to aid in the decision-making. Examples would be Architectural, Election, or Social Committees.

The Organizational hierarchy of an association usually consists of:

  • Board of Directors establishes policies and procedures.
  • Management Company executes policies and procedures as established by the Board of Directors.
  • Committees research and make recommendations to the Board of Directors who then makes the final decision, i.e. Newsletter Committee, Architectural Committee, Rules Committee and Grounds Committee.
  • Sub-Contractors are professionals hired to perform services for the association. The Management Company oversees the sub-contractors.

Governing Documents give the Board of Directors authority and direction to govern the association.

The Governing Documents of an Association consist of:

  • Articles of Incorporation - this document provides the legal basis for operating within Georgia Corporation Codes.
  • By-Laws - which outline how the association shall be governed and deal with the association as a corporation, i.e., elections, assessment collections, terms of office and duties of officers.
  • CC&Rs - Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions, which deal with the physical entities that comprise the association, i.e., use restrictions, easements, and annexation.
  • Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations (sometimes called “House Rules”) adopted by the Board of Directors within the guidelines of the CC&Rs. Examples would be leash rules and fines for improper parking.
  • State Statutes - Georgia Corporation and Civil Codes are legislated statutes that take precedence over all other legal documents.
  • Budget - Annual Budget prepared and distributed in accordance with government regulations. Your budget consists of anticipated operating expenses for the year as well as an outline of reserve allocations. Operating expenses include utilities, and maintenance of your association’s common areas. Your Reserve Fund (also known as a “Replacement Fund”) is a type of savings account which covers (future) major association expenditures and replacements such as roofs, painting, pump/motor replacement, central hot water boiler and/or water storage tank.
  • Deed to Common Area - You, as the homeowner, own an undivided portion of the common area either through your deed or the corporation that you are a member of.
  • Election Procedures, Secret Ballots and Inspectors of Election - These provisions delineate the process by which elections and votes are conducted. They can be adopted as a supplement to your Rules and Regulations policy, or, preferably, they become an amendment to your existing governing documents (By-laws and/or CC&Rs).

It's in your Contract

When you purchased your home, you agreed to be a part of that community. It is our guess your community had an existing association, and you agreed to pay the dues at that time. These monthly or annual HOA dues cover the costs for all of the shared amenities and resources your community enjoys. These may vary, but often include a pool, tennis courts, landscaping, and exterior maintenance. Your HOA also carries a blanket insurance policy to ensure against property and incidental damage to the community. Additionally, your HOA dues cover the cost of professional HOA management with Marquis Management. Our team is available to you to handle any concerns you may have regarding your HOA community; we enforce community rules and by-laws, coordinate maintenance, process payments, and attend all board meetings. All unused funds go into a reserve, which can be used for large-scale maintenance, such as community renovations.

It Varies by Association

HOA dues vary from community to community, and depend greatly on the services and amenities that are offered. To find out how much your monthly dues are and what they cover, contact us.

It's not good to not pay.

When you bought your property, you agreed to pay the HOA fee. Not paying the fee allows you to enjoy the benefits of the community, without paying for them, which is not fair to your kind neighbors. Failure to pay your monthly or annual assessment causes you, the owner, to be subject to a lien notice when (s)he’s 30 days past due, and allows for interest and possible late charges to be assessed. Typically, if there is no response from the owner to notification of this delinquency, a lien is filed which could result in you not being able to sell your property later, without paying the fee, or even possible foreclosure. It is not worth the time or money you'll lose, so it's best to be a resident in good standing, and simply pay your bills.

If you're having trouble paying your assessment, we can often create a payment plan, making it easier to make the payment. Use HOA Connect, and request a Payment Plan from your Board of Directors.

Wow. More than 30 Years!

We were founded in 1986, but have been working in the business since 1982. We are locally owned and operated with an exceptional reputation for fair dealings and great service. We are one of the most recognized property management firms in the greater Atlanta area and will be happy to discuss your future property management needs. Contact us today.